This weekend, during the lunch break between classes, the conversation turned to oral sex.
Now, this is something I don't want to discuss particularly, not here and now. But it's something I even less wanted to hear about while I was trying to eat my lunch. After a few minutes I couldn't restrain myself any longer. "Please! Please! I'm going to be sick! Let me finish my salad in peace!" The ladies who lunch, they laughed. Apparently I'm silly and old-fashioned and prudish.
And then the talk took a more serious turn, as one of the women, more or less my age, related a story about her 14 year old daughter. Apparently this young woman was engaged in a game of Truth Or Dare at school, and she was dared to lick a classmate's penis, which she did. The laudable part, the point of note, was that her relationship with her mother is so open and trusting that the daughter told her all about it. The maternal counsel she received? "Make sure you only lick the side, not the end, because you might get a disease."
The consensus at the table was that this exchange was proof that in a loving, open mother-daughter relationship your kids can come to you with anything. Obviously this woman was a solid contender for Mother of the Year.
I'm sure my mouth was hanging open, Romaine dangling from my teeth. Is this for real? I CANNOT IMAGINE, I really can't, A) my daughter doing anything so stupid, or B) giving her such stupid advice. Who knew that disease is so easily avoided? And where did I get the silly idea that 14 year old girls shouldn't be licking their classmates like popsicles, on a dare?
This is a strange world. I'd try another one, but the train isn't due for goodness knows how long...
All my mind keeps saying is, "Nuh uh!! No way!" and other inane stuff like that because honestly... I just can't believe it.
Granted, I don't have kids. But I'm pretty fargin' sure my mind's right on this.
Lord, what fools these mortals be!
So sad & creepy!
That's for sure. We live in an area with a lot of "social problems", and now that Poppy's in school, I'm hearing a lot more about it, information that I've managed to have minimal exposure to before. I keep thinking, "Where are their PARENTS?", but then the parents talk like this...
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