Friday, January 8, 2010

Study Avoidance Measures

I think I've figured out why I'm not studying. I'm BORED AS HELL. When the interval between class sessions is five weeks, that's two weeks too long. I've lost all my momentum by the end of the third week.

So this morning, in lieu of doing anything towards improving my mid-term marks when I take the exam tomorrow, I've

Done laundry
Made a huge vat of spaghetti sauce
Made a batch of chocolate muffins for my classmates
Made a batch of chocolate chip cookies for the short set
Planned next week's city trip
Talked to the cats
Written two blog posts
Hosted several internal conversations with the school staff about next semester
Caught up with a friend on the phone.

Leave me to my own devices long enough and I'll probably start cutting out a quilt. Just anything instead of cracking those books!

Oh, the humanity!


Oh right, the teapot. The new teapot. The teapot that pours into the cup, rather than flooding the countertop. FINALLY. The Chinese Tea Gods have smiled on me, and blessed me. I've been waiting for this teapot a long, long time.


Kate said...

But a person gets such a lot done when they procrastinate! And doing those things in themselves is very motivating as well. I bet that right now you're sitting with the books, and some tea and cookies.

Madcap said...

I took 14 minutes and ran my eyes over a few pages. That was it. I guess I'll find out tomorrow morning whether or not I wandered to close to the cliff!

Kate said...

Hope it goes well, good luck!

clairesgarden said...

nothing like a great new teapot. hmmmm, you may need to put off the studying to make it a marvelous new teapot cosy??

Mercutio said...

Whatever it is that would incline a person to make such cookies is surely welcome around my place.

Madcap said...

Hi Claire! Why, I do believe you're right! Thank you for contributing to my cause!

Mercutio - Have we met somewhere before, perhaps? Another blog, far, far away?

Take a massage therapy course. You'll be baking in no time flat!

WV - chuff. To chuff. To please, yes?