It's been a week of -30C, sick kids, and snow.
After plowing the 1/4 acre parking lot beside the house (forgot to take a picture of the new plow, maybe tomorrow), I staggered back out with the camera and took some photos of the beauty of it. In spite of all the work it brings, the snow is terribly kind in that it covers up the horrific mess that is ours. Not deep enough to mask the burnt-out motorhome at the back property line yet, but if it keeps on the way it has been, we should have six feet in six weeks.
Funny how -20 feels positively temperate after a little run of real cold. It was -40 here not very many days ago. Tonight I was wrestling the garbage outside and realized that I'd gone out with no jacket, no scarf, nothing but my shirt sleeves.
Well no. The rest of my shirt too. And my jeans. But good grief!
I was trying to picture you wrestling with garbage cans in nothing but your shirt sleeves.
Plowing a quarter acre parking lot?
You must be expecting lots of company...
Exactly what kind of a massage parlor is this going to be???
I guess there's lots of creative ways to warm things up...
No worries about the recipes Madcap, whenever you get the chance...
I had to do the math to figure out that -30 wasn't nearly as cold as I thought. I mean, it is cold but it isn't as cold as -30*F which is what my mind thinks in. But you are so right. I was asked at the barn the other day if 25* was cold and I answered, "After 5*, nothing is cold." That is, except anything colder than that!
oh! Thanks to CG for doing the math because I went there too. But still, oh! Reminds me, got to clean out that chicken coop tomorrow no matter how cold it is.
Jim - please don't frighten yourself with visions like that!
It's just the way everything was laid out between the house and the fence that we ended up with all that round-about parking space. And my latent claustrophobia wants it cleared.
CG - So, I went to a conversion chart too, and your minus 30F is our -34C, which isn't a huge difference, but our -30C is your -22F, a bigger number gap. Huh.
Ophelia - next year in Jerusalem... ;-)
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