...Wizards mostly lived in universities down in the big cities and weren't allowed to get married, although the reason why not totally escaped Tifffany. Anyway, you hardly ever saw them around here.
Witches were definitely women, but most of the older ones Tiffany knew hadn't got married either, mostly because Nanny Ogg had already used up all the eligible husbands, but also probably because they didn't have time. Of course, every now and then, a witch might marry a grand husband, like Magrat Garlick, as was, of Lancre had done, although by all accounts she only did herbs these days. But the only young witch Tiffany knew who had even had time for courting was her best friend from up in the mountains: Petulia - a witch who was now specializing in pig-magic, and was soon going to marry a nice young man who was shortly going to inherit his father's pig farm*, which meant he was practically an aristocrat.
*Possibly Petulia's romantic ambitions had been helped by the mysterious way the young man's pigs were forever getting sick and required treatment for the scours, the blind heaves, brass neck, floating teeth, scribbling eyeball, grunge, the smarts, the twisting screws, swiveling and gone knees. This was a terrible misfortune, since more than half these ailments are normally never found in pigs, and one of them is a disease known only in freshwater fish. But the neighbours were impressed at the amount of work Petulia put in to relieve their stress. Her broom-stick was coming and going at all hours of the day and night. Being a witch, after all, was about dedication.
ahhh... my library is closed till September... I don't know what to do , scrounging books from friends means I'm reading anything and everything , its all crime or love.
now I need this book!!! I'm determined not to buy anything, even second hand... due to moving into one room and having absaloutly no room.....
Moving into one room! What did I miss?
That's a really looong library closure. Are they renovating or something?
I love all of Pratchett's Discworld series, but his Tiffany Aching series is probably my favourite.
local council office taking over half the library and 'extensive renovations' to be done. this library is only about 15 years old so goodness know what needs done.
I have moved in with a friend after thearea I lived in suddenly became unsafe due to an influx of 'not very nice people' . I did blog about it but took the posts off the internet as am trying to sell and didn't want potential purchasers to be put off......
This one sounds good!
It's excellent, and available on Audible too if that's more your style. I still love having a story read to me!
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