The weather's been more temperate in the last week, but still lows near -30C at night. Brrr. Enough warmth during the day that the trees are all frosty, so everything's beautiful, and I love admiring it all from indoors, particularly if I'm tucked up with a quilt, hot water bottle, and a good book. I'm all for the Great Outdoors when I've got the Great Indoors as my base camp. Mother Nature is .... well, who am I to backchat Mother Nature?
I do so miss the snow. I know it would be hellish to have much at all here because we just don't have the equipment to deal with it. But I do so miss it. These photos are so lovely/
I often think of that, when I hear about weather reports from other parts of the world, and how a seemingly small amount of snow (to us) can bring "life" to a halt elsewhere. Since I've had an entire parking lot to clear by shovel, it's been more clear to me how much snowploughs make winter passable for us. It wouldn't take very long without them that the highways would be impassable.
I'm glad you like the photos. I was wondering how much my dirty windows were going to make themselves known!
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